United Arab Emirates University

Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


United Arab Emirates University was established in 1976 and is located in Al Ain. The University has 9 Colleges, along with a University College and College of Graduate Studies offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs.

The University College creates a vibrant learning environment and provides state-of-the-art learning facilities. The college offers a University Foundation Program (UFP), Student Academic Success Program (SASP), and Fast Track Program.

The College of Business and Economics undergraduate Programs include Bachelor of Accounting, Minor in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Management Information Systems, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Finance and Banking, and Bachelor of Statistics. The Graduate Programs include Master of Professional Accounting, Doctor of Business Administration, and Master of Business Administration.

Undergraduate programs offered at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences include Bachelor of Arts degree in Arabic Language and Literature, English Literature, Geography, Tourism Studies, History, Linguistics, Mass Communication, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Translation Studies; Bachelor of Social Work; and Minor programs in Writing, Women and Culture, Creative and Professional Writing in English, English Language and Literacy, Fine Arts, Film Studies, Drama, Geoinformatics, Cultural Resource Management, Tourism, Aphasia, Television Studies, Journalism, Leadership and Communication, Citizenship, Cognitive Science, Political Science, Family Studies, Korean Language, Business Translation, French Language, and German Language. Graduate Programs include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with Concentration in Arabic Literature and Criticism, Arabic Language, English Literature and Criticism, English Language, Geography and GIS, and Mass Communication; and Master of Master of Science in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Master of Governance and Public Policy, Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, and Master of Social Work.

Undergraduate Programs offered at the College of Information Technology include Bachelor of Science in Information Security, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Minor in Artificial Intelligence. Graduate Programs include Master of Science in Information Security, Information Technology Management, Software Engineering; and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Concentration in Information Technology, Information Security, Network Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Software Engineering.

Undergraduate Programs offered at the College of Engineering include Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering; and Minor in Mechatronics Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering. Graduate Programs include Master of Science degree in Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering, Water Resources, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with Concentration in Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Civil Engineering, Water Resources, Material Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering; and Master of Engineering Management.

The College of Education’s Undergraduate Programs includes Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education, Art Education, Health and Physical Education, and Special Education. Graduate Programs include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with Concentration in Science Education, Mathematics Education, Language and Literacy Education, Leadership and Policy Studies in Education, Special Education; and Master of Education.

Programs offered at the College of Law include Bachelor of Law and Doctor of Philosophy in Law.

Undergraduate Programs offered at the College of Food and Agriculture include Bachelor of Science degree in Agribusiness, Marine Fisheries and Animal Science, and Horticulture, Food Science, Dietetics, Nutritional Science; and Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine. Graduate Programs include Master of Science in Horticulture, and Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with Concentration in Horticultural Science, Food Science, Nutritional Sciences, and Animal Science.

The College of Science Undergraduate Programs includes Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics and Physics. Graduate Programs include Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with Concentration in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry,  Geosciences, Physics, and Mathematics.

Undergraduate Programs offered at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences include Doctor of Medicine and graduate programs include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with Concentration in Biomedical Sciences, and Public Health and Occupational Health; Master of Public Health and Master of Medical Sciences.

The College of Graduate Studies offers a wide range of graduate degree programs at Masters and doctorate levels.

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Thursday 7:00am - 8:00pm

Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm

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